It has been.coming for a long time.It has been ravaging Europe from Wuhan China it's birthplace.You might have been wondering what it is.It is covid 19 that has shaken and humbled the planet.
After being a spectator for so long Nigeria recorded it's first covid 19 case on the 27th of February 2020.An Italian citizen who had returned to Lagos from Milan.Lagos State government to it's credit immediately took action by placing this gentleman quarantine.President Buhari also carried his role with vigour by setting up the Presidential Task Force headed by the Boss Mustapha(SGF).They swiftly closed down all land and sea border,shut down the economy and ordering a stay at home.This was a nice action,but instead of covid 19,hunger virus reared its ugly head eventually pushing people out.At first it seems this sit at home would drastically go a long way in reducing covid 19 and helping the health workers.But funny enough the opposite was the case,the figure kept increasing especially during the stay at home period.Unlike other countries where patients in isolation are being seen,that is not the case in Nigeria.
We heard of the paliative being released by the Government but yet people were still drowning in hunger.Different individuals and private bodies have each donated to the Federal Government.The question on the lips of Nigerians is what happened to the money.A source once told me that if you go to the hospital for treatment, you would be given a covid 19 form.One tends to wonder are we in a covid 19 competition.This begs the question was covid 19 a conspiracy?Pherhaps,it was for a good cause, Pherhaps we will never know.